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Former Gucci employee sued company "For Discriminating Against Rihanna"

Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Wednesday, June 8, 2011 | 11:52 AM

A former Gucci employee Josephine Robinson , was allegedly fired for complaining about racist remarks that the company was discriminating against pop singer Rihanna for being from the Caribbean. The suit is being filed by, Josephine Robinson
In 2008 , Josephine, who worked on Rihanna’s contract with Gucci, said she was given a “shocking directive” from international tax lawyer Stan Sherwood, her boss. She claimed that her former boss, ordered her to reduce Rihanna's payment for her Gucci Tattoo Heart ad campaign when he became aware that she wasn't a U.S. resident.

Robinson’s lawsuit claims:
“When Sherwood discovered that Rihanna was from a Caribbean island, he told Robinson to ‘tax the hell out of her’ and find a way to allow Gucci to withhold 30 percent of her fee.”

A spokeswoman for Gucci, told the post ,Ms. Robinson’s allegations are completely baseless, and the company will defend itself vigorously against this meritless litigation. The company is confident that it will prevail.”

The NY Post reports:
“Robinson, who describes herself as a dark-skinned West Indian Latina, is seeking $5 million in damages for what she calls an unrelenting barrage of racist comments and jokes at her expense by Sherwood and others at Gucci, which she says fired her last year after she complained about the treatment.

“It is shocking that top level officials of a company as esteemed as Gucci would behave in such an inappropriate manner,” Ostrove said.

Reps for Rihanna didn’t return requests for comment, but a Gucci spokeswoman said: “Ms. Robinson’s allegations are completely baseless, and the company will defend itself vigorously against this meritless litigation. The company is confident that it will prevail.”
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