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Are Democracy and Communism viable forms of government to fight global challenges ?

Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Thursday, February 23, 2012 | 9:54 AM

Is Democracy  a viable form of government for addressing effectively the global challenges facing our civilization?

By:Shantecca Reid

Democracy as well as Communism is two of the world’s leading forms of government both of which have proven to be successful in their own rights. A viable form of government for addressing effectively the global challenges that face our civilization has to be one that incorporates the necessities of the people of which this particular form of government is implemented. Political influences are indeed inevitable when addressing a social cause or a global crisis; however in some cases the specific form of government that is utilized by a particular state is no lees influential as it relates to the global challenges that are existent in the 21st century.

 Communism as it is opposed to democracy is a doctrine that is of the conditions of liberation of the proletariat or the class of the proletarians, that is the working class of the 19th century in one word. Or in other words it aims to establish a society that is classless and moneyless which is significantly structure on a common ownership and a means of production basis. Its political affairs are handled by one supreme dictator without the influence or active involvement of the people and some say it’s similar to that of a monopoly.

Living in a communist country has its advantages as well as disadvantages. Economical equality is key factor , due to this the society is run on subsistence living, regardless of the occupation or qualification that one possesses; also one that lives in such a country does not   work on the behalf of himself but on the behalf of the whole country, in short “one for all and all for one”. For the global challenges facing our civilization and the viable form of government for effectively addressing these challenges, the onus would be on one person as opposed to a whole nation. The impact of any decision that is made would no less affect the people body though not those decisions were in no way influenced or implemented by them.

Democracy on the other hand is simply by the people for the people, it is the liberation of all individuals living under this form of government.  Regardless of a representative figure such as a president or prime minister every action that is taken in terms or political or social protocols are discussed and voted on before its implementation. The views and opinions of the people are acknowledged and the onus is that of the country. A popular saying denotes this act “no man is an island” as the president or minister has the support of the people, as they all have a right to vote and a say in the affairs of their country’s development and interaction with global challenges.

Democracy, in all its glory, can be seen as ‘pertinent’ for a viable form of government in addressing effectively the global challenges that face our civilization as well as an important foundation to grow politically and economically into the future.
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