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Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Tuesday, February 26, 2013 | 11:04 AM

Fashion models are regarded as the ideal specimen of male and female beauty. Not everyone is born with the right genes thus ensuring that “aspirational look” is achievable, better yet, sustainable. In the fashion modeling industry, it important that models not only present themselves well and project a positive self-image, but they must also take care of their bodies, as its their bodies for the most part that is their main selling tool.

To this effect, Organizers of the 2013 TCI Top Model Contest& Fashion Extravaganza coordinated with John Wright, Proprietor of Wrighfully Fit Fitness Center to talk with the youths preparing for the upcoming event to host a workshop on Fitness and Healthy Eating.


“Getting in shape to be a model is no walk in the park. It’s a very serious task that requires dedication and commitment”, said Mr Wright. “Models have to eat a certain way all the time and live a very active lifestyle. Models are required to be a certain size and have a certain body type so it is important that they remain in their best physical condition. A model’s diet and fitness routine needs to become their lifestyle, it doesn’t allow for a ‘Sunday cheat day’. If you eat fat, you become fat; if you eat lean, you stay lean. You are in the business of selling yourself – therefore make sure that the packaging is as perfect as it can humanly be.”


Hailing from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA), John’s experience in the health and fitness industry spans well over 25 years. As a former fitness model turned celebrity fitness trainer and certified by the international sports science Association, Mr Wright has worked with and trained individuals from various backgrounds and professions – to include politicians to professional athletes and celebrities!

Possessing a wealth of knowledge on both sides of the spectrum, John reminded them that the fashion industry is one where people expect perfection at all costs. “Fashion modeling takes dedication and a high level of commitment. You are competing with the best of the best for the same job. As individuals, we are all different, with different heights and body types; it is our personalities and physiques that helps set us apart from others we are competing with,” said the 2008 Antilles Fitness and Bodybuilding ‘Men’s Light Heavy weight division’, ‘The Masters’, ‘Men over 40’ division and the ‘Men’s Overall’ body building competition winner.
John Wright watches on as Carlisa and Reggie use weight bands

The fitness expert went on to make mention of various exercises that the attendees can do to stay fit and lean. This, along with what types of foods they should be eating or not eating to maintain a healthy model body. “As a model, you must make time to workout, this is imperative in your chosen profession. This is the willing part, and you have to want it more than anything else, Mr Wright admonished.

Living the lifestyle of a fashion model can be quite extreme. Being comfortable with your body and living a healthy lifestyle may be more important than having a killer set of abs. However, in the end, it’s all about the packaging and models must be proud of the package they are marketing – themselves!

Copyright 2013 Caribbean E-Magazine All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without credit..
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Saturday, March 16, 2013 at 2:35:00 AM EDT

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Friday, March 29, 2013 at 9:26:00 AM EDT

Living a healthy life is not that difficult. All we need to do is to have a good and healthy lifestyle, eat good foods and we should at least perform any physical activities and exercise. We should choose the right food to eat, never be careless to eat immediately any available food as being healthy is within our own hands, most of the time we decide for our selves.

Monday, May 27, 2013 at 5:07:00 AM EDT

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