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Film, "Crazy Love" gets historic Galleria run

Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Thursday, April 28, 2011 | 12:34 PM

Nassau, Bahamas - The film, Crazy Love, secured a place in Bahamian cinematic history as the first all-Bahamian movie to screen for an extended run on a Galleria screen.

Although many Bahamian movies have enjoyed one-time screenings or screenings as part of a film festival, Galleria has dedicated a screen to Crazy Love for a one-week run. It is a move that director Clarence Rolle sees as a major advancement for Bahamian films.

“An age-old problem for filmmakers is figuring out how to get their films seen. This is an even greater challenge in the Bahamas, where suitable venues are limited,” he said. “We see this as recognition by Galleria that there is something very special about Crazy Love, and we are thrilled that audiences will get to see this brilliant romantic comedy.”

Rolle co-produced Crazy Love with Craig Lenihan and his Vision Pictures film and television production company. The all-Bahamian cast stars Leslie Ellis-Tynes, Gene Cage, Dana J. Ferguson and Matthew Wildgoose.

“I actually have a sense of nostalgia about this engagement,” Rolle said. “This movie was first screened at Galleria, JFK for the Bahamas International Film Festival (BIFF). We are thrilled to be back at Galleria with three additional scenes added to the movie. Crazy Love has been given the same viewing opportunities as foreign films, and that is a tremendous recognition of Bahamian talent.”

Ricardo Kemp, manager of Galleria 6 on JFK Drive, said Galleria was happy to be a part of this history-making event.

“I think it is great that people are interested in making Bahamian films, and we want to be a part of it in the future,” he said.

Mr. Kemp said Galleria will assist Bahamian films as much as possible in the future, once the film is of an excellent quality. He said Galleria is very pleased with the production quality of Crazy Love.

Crazy Love opens Friday, April 29 at Galleria, JFK. The movie has five daily showings – 1pm, 3:30pm, 6:30pm, 8:30pm, and 10:30pm.
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