News Update :

Fashion Handbags

Caribbean Recipes

Beauty Tips

Become A Contributor

Intern Content Magazine Writers

Caribbean Entertainment Magazine is looking for intern writers and contributors to build their portfolio and professional writing experience.

Possible assignments include daily entertainment news, interviewing, fashion and beauty writing,  lifestyle and culture, love and relationship, local area activities (Caribbean and diaspora) upcoming events and anything else pertaining to the uniqueness of the city and what it has to offer. Articles will be for our daily blog and our digital monthly magazine.

Note that this is an unpaid position that offers writers with an opportunity to gain excellent writing experience.

Check out our website to get an idea of who we are and what we are looking for.

Required Qualifications:
- Knowledge of English grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage and style
- Commitment to assignments and deadlines
- Passion for writing and telling an intriguing story


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