Tessanne Chin Wins Battle Round With “Next to Me” on The Voice
Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Tuesday, October 15, 2013 | 2:25 AM
Tessanne Chinand Donna Allen
Last night was the first of the battle
rounds of The Voice‘sfifth season, and the face-off of the night was
between Tessanne Chinand Donna Allen.The two powerhouse vocalists tore up the
stage with their rendition of Emeli Sande‘s“Next to Me.”
The judges thought
Donna’s voice was powerful and compared her to Tina Turner. But it was Jamaican
Tessanne Chin’sdynamic vocal performance
that wowed Adam Levineto choose her as
the winner.
JudgeCee Lopraised Tessanne’s poise and Donna’s raw power, though he gave the
edge to Tessanne. She
moves to the Knockout Round for Team Adam.
“The Voice”airs Mondays and Tuesdays at 8 PM on NBC.
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