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Meet Michon Sukhoo-Pertab, Miss Guyana Plus Size 2012

Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 | 10:48 PM

Michon Sukhoo-Pertab walked away with the coveted title of Miss Guyana Plus Size 2012 from a field 6 fabulous contestant. Michon will represents Guyana at the Miss Caribbean Plus Size Universe scheduled for August 19th in Barbados.

25 year old Michon is currently attending the University of Guyana School of Medicine, where is pursuing a degree in Medicine and Surgery (MBBS).

Before Michon embarks on her quest for the Miss Caribbean Plus Size Universe title, CEM sat down with the gorgeous young lady.

CEM:Name 3 words that describe you and explain why.

1. Limitless
Currently, I am a fourth year medical student at the University of Guyana and it’s a very demanding choice of study. Along with my studies, I do many things, plus size modelling, volunteering where I can, bake and always finding time to help someone.

My 24 hours every day are used to make my dreams come true and I always thought I could do it and so my friends call me the girl without limits. There is one occasion I can recall that sums it up all, I got to the hospital at 7 am, saw the patients in Surgery I was responsible for, did rounds with the doctors at 8 a.m., finished around 10 a.m., went to classes after, between the breaks.

I ran off to a photo shoot for Sonia Noel, did my own makeup and hair and wrapped it all up in an hour and returned to the hospital. Laughter fills me when I think of my day and in the end truly thankful.

2. Soft hearted
The simple things make my heart smile and tears flow from my eyes. I have determined from this that I cannot be specialising in Pediatrics, when I was doing my first rotation in Peads, I spent longer times taking histories, giving away my snack bars, and when on call spend extra time with the kids. I am a softy with everything, when I see my superiors upset or flustered, my heart steps out and goes "are you ok?", "do you need help?” because of this  I am probably most helpful person there is and makes me go beyond the call of duty.

I remember a fashion weekend I did in 2011, I was more than just a model being there looking pretty but was a cleaner, steamer, and sweeper etc. but I am proud of it because I never see myself bigger than anyone, just soft hearted Michon.

3. Patient
In life we can go through my challenging trials and I have had my fair share some of which included failing over and over again but still going after or diverting to another route.  I stand long hours without being irritated and deal with patients that sometimes may make you want to pull out your hair. My patience allows me to endure, accept criticisms and persistent resulting in being a strong person.

Limitless + soft hearted + patience are three components of my formula that equals success for me.

CEM: How to do you feel about representing Guyana in the upcoming Miss Caribbean Plus Universe?
I am honoured, for not just being a beauty queen but an Ambassador for Guyana. It is an opportunity to gain further recognition and showcase the quality of Guyanese.

CEM:Why did you enter this contest? Have you ever done a pageant before? 
I always dreamt of being a beauty queen and so from a get go I felt confident and was very delighted that the Simpli Royal Production decided to do the First ever Miss Guyana Plus. It was a pageant that fitted my body type, didn't require me to lose weight or change who I truly am. This is not my first, as a teenager, I entered the Miss Guyana Talented Teen in 2001 as a plus size teen, where I coped the prizes of Best Smile, Most Improved delegate and Best Ballroom Dancer.

CEM: Plus size models are often frowned up on, what gives you the confidence to do this pageant?
My inner being was my confidence and I have my family to thank for nurturing it. I always thought of myself as the most beautiful person there is! and there was no one that could have told me different! I am also a plus size model and even though I am used as a hangar on the catwalk, I want my Guyanese sisters to see the personality, “this is Michon; I am drop dead gorgeous, healthy and comfortable" with hope it inspires them.

CEM: Do you see yourself as being sexy and what does being sexy means to you? 
Sexy I am, there is no doubt in that, often we think of being revealing and it is. Hold on, revealing not like the playboy models, but sexy is a personality. You can be fully clothed a be sexy, it’s how you move each and every part of your body - head to toes. I remember doing a fashion ad for a company in Guyana that wanted to showcase a plus size girl, the beginning of the ad I had to showcase something from their Lingerie collection, I chose appropriately, suited to my type, and over it covered with a men's long sleeve shirt and tie slightly loose, had my hair down and basking in the wind, walked toward the camera whilst slight giving a sneak peek used my smile.

CEM: Do you think that pageants or the fashion industries are  becoming more accepting of different types of bodies?
Yes they are, it’s a new generation and the world is celebrating women in every aspect, soon it is hope that we are showcased on premiere fashion magazines not on inside pages but cover pages. When a society shows the upcoming women to love who they are and what God blessed them with, we create a healthy woman often we think of health only as a physical ailment but it is also mental and social.  It come right down to also if you do not love yourself how can you expect someone else to! Even though they may still be negatives from some fashion arena's, to my plus size girl's I say like a mathematical equation you multiply two negatives and make a positive.

CEM: Has winning changed the way you see yourself?
Winning Miss Guyana Plus 2012 has not changed how I see myself, for I have always seen me as Body, Beauty and Brains, in every way I am always a queen.

CEM: What did you enjoy most about your Miss Guyana Plus Size experience?
I enjoyed being with the other girls in the pageant and only a pageant can bring girls of different backgrounds together and united as much as it was a competition. Sisters in the end, because even though there was only one winner, on the stage pageant night they all returned and greeted me with warm hugs and smiles and shared a love which cannot be explained.  Today we talk almost every day, checking up on each other, they are part of my team, preparing me for Miss Caribbean Plus Universe.

 CEM: What was the most difficult aspect of the competition for you? 
The most difficult for me was finding a talent that could be showcased on the stage, so I had to be creative, in the end I wrote my own dialogue (a poem).

CEM: What is your platform for this pageant?
I would like to highlight the benefits of helping the less fortunate especially lending an ear.

CEM: How are you preparing for yourself for Miss Caribbean Plus Universe?
Well my main focus is on preparing a well executed talent for August 19th; currently my team is putting together my wardrobe and working out the finances to be in Barbados.

CEM: What would it mean to you if you won the Miss Caribbean Plus Universe? If you won this title, what is the first thing you would do?

Winning Miss Caribbean Plus Universe title would be a not only a dream come but a reality, which places me in position to further inspire and influence the women of today and tomorrow. Sometimes we learn by giving and setting examples, as queen I will be a valuable and impressionable one.

The first thing I would like to do is get the media on board with me from across the Caribbean along with the Caribbean's most powerful women to create a documentary that can go viral about strength of a Caribbean woman, reflecting stories that can be used to motivate our women. Media have powerful influences we are in the era of technology and will use it to my advantage.

CEM: What advice do you give to someone wanting to enter this competition?
Be true to yourself, find your positive within and make it your brand and sell it well. It is the glow that makes a woman even more beautiful. When that character is developed, add the ingredient of "no one is better than me" and you will be successful. Love yourself girls and the world will love you.

CEM: Who are your role models?

My ultimate role model is my mother, I admire her strength, she gave up job to be a stay home Mother and it wasn't easy. She is more than a stay home mom, she is a driver, economist, counselor, treasurer, chef mother is the rock that keeps my family together. They are no words I can find to define strength she portraits and I am eternally grateful to her and I hope my strength is as strong as her. 

My fashion side, admires plus size American model Ashley Graham for her fierceness on the runway.

CEM: Do you see yourself as a role model?
Yes I do, I want girls and young women to get from me that there is no limit, not even the cliché -the sky is the limit. We may make mistakes, even failed, but be determined to go after what you want! Be proud of you, you are a special brand and there is no other. There will never be another Michon Sukhoo-Pertab and I will be the best there ever was! 

CEM: What community organizations are you involved in? Why is that important?
I am currently associated with the Grant-A- Dream Organization which is operated by a group of young business elites whom are currently raising funds and making contributions to the Nation's Pediatric Hospital. It is important to give back to society and the land that nurtures us in whatever form we can, it creates hope and comfort which we all need but some more than others.

You become a humble person, I remember dressing in a bunny costume, talking with children and showing them love and in the end almost in tears of how innocent they are and how much love they showed me instead. It reminds me of something I read, “people are meant to be love and things are meant to be used but today people are being used and things are being loved" which I intend to change.

Before entering Medical School, I was a girl scout, evolved to a Scout Leader, and I enjoyed serving my community, from walking around the city to provide the homeless with a warm meal, to going to repaint the old people home and chatting with them and listening to their young day’s stories, all inspired me . My community service in scout days are priceless that to this day I remember the scout promise I made, “On my honour, I promise to do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to help other people and to keep the scout law". They were 7 parts to the law and the only one I would never forget is “a scout is friendly and considerate". Community Service is a gift not only for us but to the world!

CEM:Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In five years, I hope to advance further in my medical career, with God's guidance in my residency as a Medical Surgeon and contributing to better health care in Guyana.

When it comes to the other part of me, I hope to continue contributing to the fashion industry as a model and even behind the scenes creating the perfect shows, like working with Sonia Noel at Guyana Fashion Weekend.

It is also my passion to create workshops and campaigns promoting health body images for girls in my country, to inspire them not only to be independent but all rounded. Confucius stated that there is beauty in everything, but not everyone sees it, and I want girls to understand that. Also what guides me is a saying from the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso - "our prime purpose in life is to help others and if we cannot help them at least do not hurt them", this is what drives me to making Guyana, my home eternally, a better place.

CEM: Thanks for chatting with us Michon  and good luck in the pageant.

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