Defining the relationship (DTR)
By Shanteeca Reid
In the modern day world where experiences such as "friends with benefits" , "sex buddies", "casual sex" or "casual relationships" colloquially called a fling exist, how does one gain and maintain a relationship? And what makes a relationship a relationship anyways?
That is; an old fashion, completely monogamous relationship. As we all may know things have changed since we read about it in our fairytale books as children and facing reality, its quite different. Courting or wooing is done quite differently if done at all and people in general don't spend that much time on a decision anymore, frankly its either yes or no.
However when two people enter into a "relationship", what is it that keeps them together? What is it that keeps them from not just being "friends with benefits "and makes them want more out of
the relationship. I guess what I'm trying to ask here is, what exactly defines a relationship?
Some people can be mentally compatible while others may have a balance of sex and communication. This can be true but two persons can be mentally compatible and still not get to that exclusive stage in their relationship. Also the balance of sex and communication can be a mutual agreement. In modern day society men and women want all the attributes and perks of a relationship without the emotional baggage and the responsibilities . There would be a total balance of sex and communication without the exclusiveness and sometimes even a tittle. Taking the previous into perspective can it be that its the level of intimacy that defines the relationship the relationship? Is that level of intimacy that makes a relationship monogamous and exclusive. Its not just the physical intimacy but the emotional and mental, the deeper a couple sink in intimacy, the stronger their relationship becomes and the more exclusive they become. Its one thing to share the pleasures of sex with someone but its an entirely different thing to share chemistry and a deep level of intimacy with someone. The next time you see your partner or "other half" think about it, what defines your relationship?
What Defines Your Relationship?
Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Sunday, December 11, 2011 | 5:28 PM
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