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Smirnoff gives fans a chance to live the "Dream"

Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Saturday, June 11, 2011 | 2:46 PM

Smirnoff gives Facebook, Twitter fans ‘Dream’ Experience

The brand known for creating the most original experiences and best drink mixes, Smirnoff Vodka, is rewarding its consumers by giving them an opportunity to partake in the highly anticipated launch of the Smirnoff Dream weekend. The digital media promotion will be open to all Facebook and Twitter fans. The launch is set for next week and it is expected that the promoters will present details of the weekend events as well as disclose the early bird and regular band prices.

According to Marsha Lumley, Brand Manager Smirnoff,  Smirnoff has experienced a revolution through social media over the past few months and with Smirnoff launching its biggest activation for the year, the brand wanted to celebrate the occasion with its consumers.

“We have been having great engagement with our consumers through Facebook and Twitter recently and this is an opportunity for our consumers to share in a Smirnoff experience with the brand,” said Lumley.

The launch will be a teaser to Smirnoff Dream Weekend and it promises to a be an event you wouldn’t want to miss.”
Persons interested in participating simply have to post a picture of themselves at a past Smirnoff-sponsored event to the Smirnoff Jamaica Facebook page, The picture must clearly show either a branded Smirnoff cup, armband or Smirnoff background. The name of the event must be posted with the picture.

The persons with the most ‘likes’ will be rewarded with an invite for them and a friend to attend the launch. Fifteen (15) persons will be chosen using this route. Tweeters are also being given an opportunity to post to their time lines a photo fitting the criteria mentioning @SmirnoffJamaica.

The top 10 twitter fans with the most re-tweets will also be rewarded with an invite to the Smirnoff Dream Weekend launch and will also be featured as ‘Smirnoff Tweet Ambassadors’.

“Smirnoff Jamaica has seen the support of thousands of fans using Facebook and Twitter and this is a way in which we can show them that we are thankful for the support,” Ms. Lumley added.

The winners of this digital promotion will be chosen before Wednesday June 15, so potential participants are encouraged to start posting their pictures and have their friends vote and tweet.

Smirnoff Dream Weekend is one of the staple events on the annual entertainment calendar and is scheduled for July 29-August 1. It boasts seven of the most premium events including Extreme Wet n Wild, Daydreams, Yush, Twisted Spirits, Smirnoff Xclusive, Smirnoff Flavours and Beer Vibes.
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