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Bounty Killer and 'Mavado wanted by Police

Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Monday, June 13, 2011 | 11:40 AM

Bounty Killer, real name Rodney Price and  'Mavado' known as David Brooks are both wanted for questioning by Half-Way-Tree Police, regarding an incident outside the Quad Nightclub in New Kingston early this morning.
Senior Superintendent Derrick  Knight, head of the Half-Way-Tree Police Station.,said
“We want to talk to him (Mavado) in terms of what happened at the location.”

Both men  are being asked to report to the Half-Way-Tree Police Station by midday today.
Anyone knowing the whereabouts of the pair is being asked to contact the Half-Way-Tree Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) at 926-2551, police 119 emergency number or the nearest police station.

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