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‘Blak Ryno’ Twitter Account" hacked

Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 | 9:59 AM

Fake ‘Blak Ryno’ Twitter Account Causes Mischief Online

Dancehall artiste Ryno and his management would like advise the public that the twitter account “@ABLACKRYNO” is fake and is being used by an unscrupulous individual to make disparaging remarks about others online.

The matter was brought to the artiste attention when the following comments were tweeted:

@iamthekartel batty boy u ago dead rasta nuh like u” 
“every one post this nuh boy caah kill mi have a youuth suh mi a tek things real dem an dem batty man followers can cut”

Ryno whose official twitter account is @RYNODISTINGERsaid he has no knowledge of the account or its operator and is asking the perpetrator to desist.

“I don’t have time for this foolishness and whosever is doing this needs to go and find something productive to do and low me!” – Ryno said

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