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Bounty Killer "hammered out" on assult Charge

Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 | 9:32 AM

Rodney Pryce, aka "Bounty Killer "was yesterday freed of assault charges against him, from an alleged incident that happened at  his Oakland Court apartment in Kingston, with  girlfriend Racquel Smith, that occurred September of last year.
The charges were dropped, as the victim, failed to show up in court, who had previously indicated to the court  that she did not wish to pursue the matter, because she  wanted to continue her relationship with the Accused.  Resident Magistrate Lorna Shelly Williams had denied the request, insisting that the matter should go to trial. A warrant is still out for Smith's arrest which means that the case can be re-open in the future.

A no-order was made by Senior Magistrate Lorna Shelly Williams yesterday in deejay Bounty Killer's after Mr Pryce lawyer, Christopher Townsend, made a no-case submission when the matter came up for trial in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court.

Bounty Killer is schedule to appear in court on March 7th for possession of and smoking ganja


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