The mostly anticipated movie of the year Better Mus’ Come is a coming of age drama set in Jamaica‘s turbulent 1970’s, against the backdrop of the Cold War. This movie is a dramatic telling of the Green Bay Massacre, ghetto life and political deception of that time. The film was written and directed by Storm Saulter.
Better Mus’ Come will definitely open some doors social commentary about the 1970’s and 2010 political atmosphere in Jamaica.
The movie’s leading male Sheldon Shepherd plays Ricky, a suspected political agitator who fights for a party and yet still grapples with poverty each day. Struggling to provide for himself and his son in the late 1970’s, during the time the nation suffered a crippling water crisis, energy crisis, political and police corruption, and numerous murder scandals, gave birth to the polarized violence gripping the streets of Kingston both then and now.
Romance quickly buds between Ricky and Kemala played by Nicole Grey, an educated country girl, who lives in the opposing political community. She encourages him to convince his crew in the community to take a passive approach to the political gang turmoil and community violence, going against the status quo of confrontation, his crew doesn’t agree and this leads to an inevitable cycle of violence.
"Better Mus’ Come" Releasing in October
Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 | 10:42 AM
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