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Nude pictures found on Wyclef Jean cellphone by "wife"

Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Thursday, March 4, 2010 | 9:28 AM

Wyclef Jean`s wife, Marie Claudinette has reportedly found a nude picture of the singer gorgeous manager on his cell phone, New York Daily News reports indicate.

The News cites sources as claiming Claudinette, Wyclef`s wife, demanded her hip-hop star husband fire his manger, Lisa Ellis, after sexy nude shots on his phone.

Claudinette flew into a jealous rage,` the paper quoted an insider as saying. `She jumped to the conclusion that something may be up between Wyclef and Lisa. She told Lisa to stay away from her husband. To embarrass Lisa, she also e-mailed the nude picture to a number of people in the music business.`

Jean and his manager parted ways about three weeks ago. The black-and-white nudie photo reportedly shows Ellis standing facing forward with her hands crossed over her private parts.
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