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Naomi Campbell lend a helping hand to Haiti

Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 | 12:55 PM

London, February 23 (ANI): Naomi Campbell will jet to quake-torn Haiti to lend a helping hand to the victims struck by the massive tremor that shook the Caribbean region in January.

The supermodel has already raised money for victims by organising celebrity fashion events in New York and London.

She has now signed up for an aid-relief mission in April to help the survivors.

“I want to do a really low-key trip and fly on a regular flight without any aides and any fuss and get on the ground and do some work," the Daily Star quoted her as saying.

I think it’’s amazing that we have raised so much money and, like Sarah, I think that it’’s really important that we see where the money is going. I”m passionate about going over to help all those children. My heart goes out to all of them,” she added.

Other stars who have already visited Haiti since the tragedy include John Travolta, Sean Penn and Angelina Jolie. (ANI)

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