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How To Enhance Your Looks

Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Monday, February 22, 2010 | 10:04 AM

This will give you an idea of what black beauty makeup colors to try, but keep in mind that beauty is all about what makes you feel amazing. If you don’t feel comfortable in a particular color, then don’t wear it. Just move on and try something else. Enough talking already, have at it and have fun!

◈Lips: Lips look great in mocha, deep berry, dark plum, burgundy, chocolate and soft pinks. Stick to these colors and avoid harsh, bright colors like orange or fire engine red. This can create a washed out look and draw attention to your lips for the wrong reasons. If you want to wear different colors on the lips, always go for an earth-toned version, meaning a darker/warmer version of that color. It will blend well with your natural brown skin color!

Adding a touch of gloss doesn’t hurt either, so shine baby, shine! If you’re a big fan of lip gloss, then try colors such as salmon, apricot, lavender and berry. Most lip glosses have a sheer finish, so you don’t have to worry about the color being too intense. Lighter skin tones can go for brighter colors, including red.

◈Eyes: For eye makeup, Black beauties look stunning in shades of dark browns, coppers, burgundies, beiges, and prunes. Shimmer on darker skin usually ends up looking overdone, so if you want to try this look, use as little shimmer as possible. If you want to try on more black beauty makeup color, choose from dark blue, wine or purple eyeshades to line your eyes, closer to the eyelashes. Dark gray works as an awesome eyeliner as well!

You can soften the lines with a small-tip blending brush or with a sponge-tipped applicator. You can also wear mascara to thicken the eyelashes and it will give you a more glamorous look.

◈Creamy formulations are difficult to control on eyelids that tend to get oily during the day, so it’s a good idea to stay away from those unless you have dry skin.

Yellow or yellow-toned eyeshadows are a no-no if you have a significantly lighter skin tone because they’ll make you look washed out.

◈Cheeks: Darker skinned women normally don’t need blush, but if you’d like to add a splash of color to your cheeks, seek out pinks, burgundies, and reds. The darker your complexion, the darker your blush should be in order for it to show through. Bronzers can also add the right touch of color. Choose colors like coral, rose, or deep orange for your blush.

Peachy shades and browns are a complete no–no for you. If you have an extremely dark skin tone, rose pink color will make your day, however for nights, choose shades of bronze, plum and wine. Lighter skinned tones look great in soft plums, corals and soft pinks.

To give luster to your skin tone, blend the blusher well over your cheekbones. A touch of golden color will make your dark skin glamorous and gorgeous on special occasions. See, you're getting black beauty makeup tips at its best!

If you’re having a difficult time deciding on which colors to try, pick a celebrity or a public figure that looks similar to you in skin, eye, and hair color. Then every time you see her in a magazine, pay attention to the color she is wearing. I even suggest tearing pictures out of a magazine, or printing colored pictures from the internet. More than likely, those colors are good for you as well.

One stronger piece of advice about color: The colors you like generally are good for your skin tone. Follow your instinct, and don't settle for someone else "telling" you what to wear. Your idea of what is beautiful may differ from mine, and you have to be comfortable with your choice. Many cosmetic lines have great tips and pictures on their websites.
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