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Caribbean Fashion Rocks NYC

Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Thursday, February 4, 2010 | 9:40 AM

Laurelton, NY (Ms. RAINE INC): Caribbean Fashion Rocks! New York's signature runway event for Caribbean style, is soliciting clothing and accessory designers, hair stylists, makeup artists, and models for their 3rd annual event on Sunday, April 25th. The deadline for designer and model inquiries is Friday, February 19th. Interested clothing and accessory designers, hair stylists, and make-up artists must submit three (3) .jpeg photo examples of their work. Models must submit .jpeg headshots and comp cards. All submissions must have complete contact information: legal name, professional name, telephone number, and email address.

Inquiries and submissions should be sent to For questions or more information, contact Syn Dawkins at Irie Jam Media Group, 1-888-IRIE-NYC.

For media inquiries, contact Ms. RAINE INC. at or 347-492-3977.
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