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Did Vybz Kartel Order Gaza Kim Beaten?

Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 | 12:06 PM

It is reported that the assualt on Gaza Kim  was sparked by her boss Vybz Kartel. A video footage taken by a cell phone seemed to support this claim. Her brother who was trying to protect her was also assulted

The incident which took place on Friday at the Kirk Avenue, Havendale studio, was reported that Kartel was present when the allegation occured. Sources reported that a meeting was called to  by Kartel to reprimand  Gaza Kim who was 'allegedly' taking about her "boss" with other men whom are not members of the Portmore Empire crew.

Vybz Kartel, has since dispelled this rumor saying he does not condone violence.  In a statement released by Gaza Kim she addressed the rumors. Read full statement below

Statement from Gaza Kim

“I will like to make it known that I've heard rumours about an incident that occurred over the weekend. I Kim Hamilton aka Gaza Kim will like to make it publicly known that I was indeed assaulted over the weekend. I've visited the doctor but I'm still tramatised but recuperating through my ordeal.

“I've taken the necessary actions to correct the wrong that was done against me and legal advise is been sought.I ask my fans, family and friends to not only sympathise but empathise with me in my time of need.Future comments will be made through my publicist and legal team
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