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“KK Alese” Edie and Brian Braggs to host Cayman jazz fest

Writer : Caribbean E-Magazine on Monday, November 30, 2009 | 10:16 AM

Two of Cayman’s home grown celebrities “KK Alese” Edie and Brian Braggs have been selected to entertain the crowds at the sixth annual Cayman jazz fest as emcees for this years glittering event. Edie, who performs and records under the artist name “KK Alese”, is one of the most celebrated singers in the Cayman Islands and Braggs has been very active in the Cayman Islands performing arts and emerging film industry sector for the past few years.
The Department of Tourism’s show case event takes place next weekend 3-5 December.
Alese made her mark on the Caribbean music scene in 2008 when her first widely released single Move enjoyed success throughout the region and made it to the top 5 of the Jamaican music charts. The song’s accompanying video also reached number 1 on major Caribbean video channels and, as a result, Alese was nominated for an Excellence in Music and Entertainment (EME) award and won an RETV award for Best Caribbean Video. In addition, Alese was honoured by the Cayman Islands Music and Entertainment Association for wider promotion of the Cayman Islands through her music.

Along with a Los Angeles-based film and television company, Brian was most recently instrumental in the formation of the Cayman Islands Film Commission. His passion for acting happened at a very young age, with his aspiration of becoming a performer of martial arts in feature films. Encouraged to audition for the Cayman Islands Cultural Foundation's annual show Rundown, Braggs prides himself as being an integral part of the local show since 2007 portraying six different diverse and distinct characters. His first real foray into feature films came when he appeared as attorney "Winston Bramble" in the film Cayman Went staring Jeffrey DeMunn, Michael Lombardi and Susan Misner. Currently, Braggs is slated for two upcoming feature films


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