The 2009 Bacchanal season, 'Bacchanal Gone Hollywood' was off to a great, 'sell-off' start at Mas Camp Village on Friday last. The Mass Camp Village, which has the potential to host approximately 8000 patrons, was filled to capacity with raging socaphiles that were ready to 'get on bad'.
From the onset the gates were packed with scores or patrons trying to secure their tickets to one of the most anticipated events on the party calendar. For those who had purchased tickets on pre-sale, their wisdom certainly paid off, as they did not have to join an endless line of pushing, shoving patrons, all eager and determined to get a ticket at the gate and enter the wonderful world of soca.
These ladies seem oblivious to the camera as they enjoyed the vibe at Bacchanal. (Photos: Karl McLarty)
Almost every patron came complete with rags, comfortable shoes, Appleton mugs in hand and good vibes to start off the season of mass in true Bacchanial style. The latest soca songs of '09, along with some of the oldies kept up the tempo in venue.
At approximately 11:45PM the voice of the DJ boomed across the Mas Camp stating that all tickets were sold out, and that persons wanting to purchase tickets should give way to those patrons who already had their tickets. Many persons inside the venue expressed awe at this announcement and it was at this point that the selector started to really 'run the big soca tunes'.
Hips gyrating, rags waving and bodies sweating was all that could be seen as the soca tempo soared to a new high. Was it a new DJ? The soca music surely improved when compared to the earlier segment of the night. At the sound of songs such as Catch a Bucket a Wata, water, ice, Appleton mixes and rags could be seen sailing through the air with the entire Mass Camp village enthralled in a soca frenzy. The DJ decided to tease the audience a bit when he played the intro to dancehall songs like RDX's Bend Ova, Dagga Dat by Bragga, and the highly controversial Romping Shop.
The patrons really showed that they truly were awaiting the start of the soca fête activity as they revelled to the stylings of Sparkles Disco. Although the music got off to a slow start it ended in a definite high. Socaphiles are sure to come out next week for 'Indian Summer' and be prepared to be amazed at the activities for the night.
By Garfene L Grandison
Source:Jamaica Observer
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Will be there for the road march. Can't wait